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Saturday, December 8, 2012

2012: A year in review.

As I lay in bed this Saturday morning watching the most god-awful Christmas specials, I began to reflect of the last 12 months.  Every year seems to be passing more and more quickly, particularly with all the distractions of modern technology occupying every moment of our day.
Anyway! Point being, time flies and this year has perhaps been the fastest year of my life.  I feel like just yesterday was New Year's Eve.  I remember it in vivid detail, which is even more remarkable considering how much I had to drink that night. 2011 wasn't the most stellar year ever.  2010 either for that matter.  Every year the same declaration is made: "This year will be my year.."  First it was "Great in '08!" "Fine in '09." and by 2010, we were "Just hangin' in." So by last New Year's Eve, I was done with resolutions.  No declaration of weight loss, no promise to be more productive.   

Up until about two weeks ago I was convinced that 2013 would be kicking off with about the same optimism as the previous few years, particularly with my 25th birthday just weeks away.  Don't get me wrong, I am incredibly proud of the work that we have done on our film, but I still found myself schlepping into the same old job each day, feeling completely stuck.  However, after four and a half years, I am moving on.  This week will by my last at Miguel's Cocina.  As of Wednesday, I am the newest member of Alternative Strategies PR team where I will be working part time as an intern.  And though it won't pay the bills, I really couldn't be more excited about this opportunity! It's my first "big girl" job!  Additionally, I will be helping to open a tasting room at a new brewery here in San Diego.  2013 is looking like it may shape up to be a pretty decent year!

Those of you who have been reading since day 1 may recall that I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish in 2012.  Allow me to refresh your memory:

- Get a tattoo
- Learn to drive a stick
- Run a 5k
- Make a movie.

While the first two remain incomplete...I still feel accomplished (plus the year isn't over yet!) I ran a 5k back in May...check! And as anyone reading the blog at this point knows, we began the makings of a movie.  Though it is still in progress, I am putting a check mark next to this one.  Like I said, I am so proud of the work we've done this far.  Even more so I am proud of TJ for accomplishing and overcoming all she did this year!  Working on this film has presented so many unexpected opportunities and has allowed me to meet so many amazing people.

To TJ, Myriam, Janice, Gary, Blaine, Stevie, Jackie and the rest of the Hubergs, Deweys and are an amazing family and I feel so lucky to have had the chance to meet you all!  Thank you for making me feel like one of your own!

Of course I also have to thank all my family and friends who have been there every step of the way. You keep me sane and I love you all.

To all of the people in California, Iowa and anywhere in between who have followed and supported this always, we wouldn't have been able to do this without you! 

2012 was just the beginning of TinySuperstars and I hope that you all continue to follow us into 2013.  Who knows what it will bring!

Happy Holidays from the TinySuperstars family to yours! And as always, thanks for reading!

Love, Bridget


  1. Merry Christmas, TinySuperstars!

  2. YAY Tinysuperstars. Happy Holidays. Glad the project is still going well. We all love you both so much.

  3. Congrats on the new gig! Happy 2013, Bridget! Tiny Superstars Forever! <3
