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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thank you for being a friend and a financial backer!

Hello friends and fans of Tiny Superstars. Thank you for checking in. Today's post will be short.  I very much enjoyed Krist's post, and am very excited that she is on board with this project.

I just wanted to take a quick minute to say thank you to some peeps. Since DAY ONE, B and I have had an endless amount of love and support. We are truly grateful to each and every person who has taken the time and energy to offer us encouragement. The video below is the LONG OVERDUE personal thank you to our financial donors. We know the economy is less than awesome, and we know that people work hard for their money. The amount that we received during our kickstarter campaign had allowed us to: buy equipment, travel to Iowa, and much much more.  This could not have happened without our financial backers. There is no doubt in my mind that we will finish this film and that it will be amazing--You will ALL be happy with the final outcome. I promise.

One of the things that I take great pride in is the fact that I have a VERY diverse group of people in my life. As you watch the video below I'm sure you will see that. My comedy is about bringing all kinds of people together, and I'm grateful that so many people chose to believe in me and Bridget when we decided that it would be a fine idea to make a film. Our country may be divided politically and such, but one thing stands true--everyone wants to see us succeed. Not just the 105 people in the video below, but everyone in our lives! THANK YOU!

Enjoy the video! Click on the link below.


I'll be back soon, and so will Kristi and B Naj.


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