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Friday, August 10, 2012

Comedy, the next chapter, and gravy

Hey blog readers. This will be a quick post. I just wanted to give everyone my comedy schedule in case you wanted to catch me at my finest. Also--I will be back in the classroom starting on August 20th. I'm looking forward to the semester.

In September, I will be performing in a number of shows as well as producing some of my own shows so watch out for that info. The best way to keep up with my goings on is to check out That's my personal blog, and it will be updated by tonight as well maintained on a regular basis.

All is well with both tiny superstars. We appreciate all of the support that everyone has given us. Stay tuned for updates on the film, as things are coming along nicely. On Wednesday, we will be wrapping up  another chapter. My work is pretty much done--now it's B's turn to shine. Kudos to her for putting up with me for the last 5 months and kudos to her for being brave enough to accept the challenge of making a film. I wouldn't be able to do either of those things. This project has forced both of us to face our fears, and for that I am grateful. As far as I'm concerned--we've already done more than we set out to do. The rest is just gravy--and I really really like gravy. I look forward to enjoying said gravy--no matter how it is prepared. True story. Ok--here is my schedule. B will post soon. Thanks for believing in us! TJ


  1. All of these shows look incredible! And I'm so stoked you're going to be posting more on GhettoPolitan! I love keeping up with your thoughts and adventures! Especially since I'm your number one stalker!

  2. Your name is spelled wrong on not one but TWO of those posters. What up with that??

  3. Should be fixed now:) I love that you left a comment which I hesitate in saying for fear you will never leave one again--just to spite me!! <3 LOL!!
