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Friday, August 3, 2012

New Directions and Random Thoughts

Hello blog readers. I thank you for checking in. I'll start today's post with a few shout outs!!!
Shout out to the following:
1. My "better half," Myriam. Myriam is in Mexico with her family. I miss her a lot and want her to know that I'm thinking about her everyday. Yeah--that's kinda sappy, but--hey--that's how I roll. Myriam is like the greatest thing in the world. No wait. She is the greatest thing in the world. Come home SOON!

Feel free to add to the stereotype!

2. Jessica Hardy. Jessica is a friend of mine and is currently in London representing  the USA with her awesome swimming skills. JH is one of my heroes. Her patience, persistence, and perseverance astound me. Team Hardy--always!

Yeah--she's pretty amazing

3. Tatiana. My friend Tatiana passed away yesterday and left a legacy like none other. Tatiana was a brilliant poet, a brave soul, and a teacher of many things. Her zeal for life and acceptance of death defined true freedom. She will be missed.


4. B Naj. Y'all know B Naj. Well--shout out to her. She grew a pair and kinda changed my life. Also, we finally found that balance we were looking for. It was totally her fault that it took so long!!! I'm kidding of course. HAHA

One of my favorite snaps

My Japanese students. I normally call my students "kittens," but a friend suggested that I call them hello kitties. Ya know cuz they are Japanese. I won't tell you who said that because it's kinda racist. Oh--what the hell--it was Bridget. Anyway, I LOVED every minute that I got  to spend with them. Arigatou!!


Ok--now that the "shout outs" are done I'll get on with things. Ready? Here we go.
All is well with both tiny superstars, and things are progressing nicely with the film. After taking a short break to recover from the "Iowa adventures," B and I finally got to sit down and discuss what was next.  The meeting we had was pretty frickin awesome. We have actually decided to take some new directions with our project, and I could not be happier. 

For those of you who don't know me--I usually do most things in a big big way. This is not only exhausting, but can also wreak a lot of havoc in my life. I have been reeling since the Iowa show. In fact, until last week I was more of a spaz than usual . I think B can vouch for that. LOL!! I've said this in previous posts, but I will say it again--this has been a life changing summer. I have decided to take a few steps back and enjoy the things that are in front of me. I've decided to simplify things and allow whatever is going to happen to happen in its own time. What does this mean? Well--without disclosing too much I've come to a few conclusions and I'd like to share them with y'all. 

Intensity has always been one of my greatest strengths AND one of my greatest weaknesses. When I do something--I like to start here:

The greatest--first place

I should for all intents and purposes start here:

Welcome to Glee club; let's have fun.

That's the cast of GLEE btw, and the name of their group is fittingly--"New Directions." See--even when they are on hiatus they still inspire me.

I usually start here:

Gold and Grill

I SHOULD start here:

Just testing the waters

As far as the film goes--I was here:

Oh--our film will be featured

When I shoulda been here:

Let's make a plan, B. She said it best when she told me "Teej, stop trying to sell a product that we don't even have yet." SNAP!

This is how I pictured the premiere:

Look at all the people who love me

But this would be just as awesome:

ALWAYS choose quality over quantity!

The bottom line is this--we are making this film for US--not for anyone else.  If the masses want to see it--that will be cool. If they do not--it won't matter at all.

My recent "a ha moment" has put a lot into perspective. While I still plan on pursuing a comedy career I first need to step back and refocus my energies. I have a few shows scheduled for August and September and I'm really excited about them. I guess you can say that I am no longer in a place of desperation--a place I see so many other comics in. I am in a place of self awareness and plan on performing under my own terms. I will no longer do "bringer" shows or sit for three hours to perform for three minutes in front of three people. I will no longer be discouraged because I haven't had my "big break." Instead--I will focus that time and strength to write stories and sets that I can be proud of. I've put my time in--I've hoed my talent, pled for acceptance, and agonized way too much about how other people view me. Fuck it. I'm a good comic, a good friend, a good daughter, a good partner, and a good teacher. Big things will happen for me--in fact--they already are. I have a lot of support and have already made an impact on this earth. I want to take a moment to appreciate those who have always been there for me and to pat myself on the back for what I have already done. This newfound sense that I am both lovable and unforgettable instead of lovable yet forgettable can only bring more awesomeness into my life. I'm super stoked about the next chapter. I was already writing the next book--when the first one wasn't even done!!

Well--that was quite the post. I think I'll leave you all with a list of some sort. I guess it's just gonna be a list of random thought so--enjoy.

1. The banjolele is by far the greatest musical instrument of all time
2. Everyone needs to STOP talking about Chick Fil A. Just stop--I don't give a rat's ass about which side you are on. As the fattest nation in the world, we should stop eating fast food instead of worrying about what some "suit" believes is right or wrong.
3. They are remaking Steel Magnolias with an all black cast. LOVE!!!! Can't wait.
4. I've decided to study some form of Martial Art. Any suggestions would be cool.
5. I want Eminem to guest star on Sesame Street
6. How is ZSA ZSA GABOR still alive?
7. If I were an Olympian I would ALWAYS wear a cape. ALWAYS.
8. I'm actually really excited for the upcoming Will Ferrell movie. Yes--I really am.
9. The person who aired the commercial starring the monkey doing gymnastics RIGHT AFTER the interview with Gabby Douglas should be fired.
10. I think our next President should be chosen via Hunger Games.
11. Bridal expos are disgusting in every single way.
12. B got a new juicer over a month ago. I don't think she has used it yet which is weird.
13. The game of chess is completely overrated.
14. Every time I watch The Golden Girls I realize that only one of them is still alive--then I shed a tear or two.
15. What is the point of poppy seeds?

Ok--that is it for today. Thanks for reading. B will post next, so definitely watch out for that. I thought her last post about Iowa was brilliant and I am so very glad she enjoyed my home state, my family, and my friends. Keep it real people. TJ


  1. B!R!A!V!O! BRAVO! Great post, TJ

  2. AMAZING! I freaking love you Sweet T Hubergurba!

  3. Awesome post. You could not have done any better with it. Enjoy the moment, not the future. Love you with all my heart.

  4. Poppy seeds...hmmm have you heard of opium...great post TJ!

  5. Your blogs are always so interesting, TJ :) PS. I heard Chick-fil-A is gonna ban women from ordering breasts and thighs in order to help stop the spread of lesbianism.
