Hey blog readers. I hope you all had a great weekend. Just wanted to post a little something to fill you all in with what's up with the film. Bridget and I truly appreciate each and every one of you, and are grateful for your support. You will all be kept up to date regarding the project, so check in from time to time. If you are new to this blog, feel free to start from the beginning. We've had quite a journey thus far.
ME!! |
As much as I love working with Bridget and being an integral part of the process, we have decided to part ways for a short time. What does this mean? Well--it means that my part is done for now and Bridget rightfully so needs some space for creativity. Bridget now has the daunting or exciting (depends on who you talk to) task of sifting through fifty hours of footage then piecing it together to create a film. I'm a distraction and I need to respect my place in this process. Bridget cannot possibly make an honest film about what she has seen in the last five months if I am always hovering and questioning her decisions.
Bridget has told me this from time to time:
I have to let go and trust, so that is exactly what I am going to do. I know that whatever Bridget creates--it will be brilliant. She's a gifted artist with a vision, lots of courage, and a huge amount of wherewithal. Frankly--I'd be scared to death so I really admire her for taking this on. I'm sure she has fears too, but facing fears creates greatness which is why I know with every fiber of my being that this film will be a winner. So--for the next two months I will not have contact with Bridget or be posting on this blog. I will miss them both very much!! I'm sure Bridget will keep you all updated with the process when she has time. A lot goes into making a film and right now it's more about doing instead of simply writing about it, but like I said--you will all be kept up to speed. If you have any questions regarding this project please email Bridget at Tinysyperstars@gmail.com. She will gladly answer them or will send them on to me. Just know that even though we do not post on here as often as we used to--we are moving through the process quite nicely.
If you'd like to keep up with my goings on--please check out
Ghettopolitan.blogspot.com. That's my own personal blog and it's pretty cool.
Please send good vibes to B Naj as she begins the editing process. We all believe in her and I'm hopeful she knows that and also believes in herself. I picked her for a reason and wouldn't have it any other way. This journey was meant to be, and even though it hasn't been the easiest journey--it has been life changing--at least for me. I can't speak for B Naj.
That's all I have everyone. Thanks for your support. You should all be receiving round two of your rewards very soon so watch out for that.
See you all in late October.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say that! <3
I luv the blog. Hopefully the time apart will be beneficial for you both. It feels a little bit sad though; I'm not going to lie. You got this Bridget. Can't wait to see the movie.