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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Frankly, I liked the foreplay phase. It's what's next that scares me.

Hey, blog readers. Thanks for the love. If you are reading this, we appreciate the support. Please pass it along to a friend. I know there's not much going on yet, but it's best to be in the loop from day one. Everyone will want to jump on this bandwagon eventually; just consider yourself ahead of the game. Later on, you can tell everyone that you were a Tiny Superstars hipster and they will all be jealous.

All is well with the film. Like Bridget said in the last post, we are nearing the "production" phase as opposed to the "pre-production/foreplay" phase. Cameras will begin rolling at my show on Friday, March 30th and I couldn't be more nervous. Frankly, I liked the foreplay stage. It's what's next that scares me. If you are interested in being there for the moment of truth, here is the information: The Palms Bar 8572 Santa Monica Blvd West Hollywood CA. 8:00. I'll be the sexy funny one with the sweet new haircut.

Remember, if you want to be involved in the film, you can be. Don't be shy. Email us at and tell us what you want  to do.

Since we received more than 100 "likes" on our first FB post, Bridget and I will be dressing like our muses: Sophia Grace and Rosie. The pink tutus are being made right now, but we are still in search of two tiaras. The photos will be posted very soon. If you have no idea who Sophia Grace and Rosie are, please check out this short video. Sophia Grace's Show Stopping Performance!

Banjoleles are quite expensive. If anyone can find one for a reasonable price, please let us know. I really don't need one, but I really want one.

I'm officially out of things to say. Bridget AKA B Naj will be blogging tomorrow. She is much sexier and sassier than I, so I'm sure you'll enjoy her post even more than you did this one.

Thanks for reading. TJ