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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

One Foot In Front of the Other

I'm gonna keep this one short and sweet today.

As you all know by now, we will be filming at TJ's show THIS Friday, 3/30 at the The Palms Bar in West Hollywood.  IF you will be in attendance and are interested in answering a few short questions ON CAMERA, please shoot us an email today or tomorrow at  Please include your name, relation to TJ (friend, fan, student, family) and a recent picture if possible (just for ease of finding you the night of the show).  

Okay, enough with the bureaucratic crap. I mentioned in my last post that I went to a concert Saturday.  I saw fun. in Pomona (they sing the song "We Are Young").  This was my third time seeing them as fun. and they put one of the BEST live shows I have ever seen.  Their newest album is like a collection of anthems for life.  If I could choose any band to write the soundtrack for our movie, it would be them.

The next 48 hours is going to be get hectic.  Lots to take care of before Friday, mainly crap so we don't get sued.  Who knew the creative process had so many legal documents?   

So much for short and sweet..with that I leave you with one of my favorite tracks from "Some Nights". 

Happy hump day.

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