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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ups and Downs (Part 2)

First of all, we just hit 500 views!  That's more friends than I have on Facebook.  Today's shout out goes to my newest Facebook friend, Evan Papai.  He made it out to We Ho for the show last night and that makes him awesome!

As TJ said in her last post, last night was the "big" show.  She will tell you it sucked.  I want to clarify... there were some elements of the show that left something to be desired, but TJ was NOT one of them!  She rocked the unusually lame crowd and I had to try so hard to not laugh over the footage we got.  Here is a breakdown:

- The show started with one of the hosts singing a love song dedicated to her recently deceased dog. (And not in an ironic way)
- There was not one but two groups of obscenely obnoxious audience members. Think Kardashian wannabes meets "Dazed and Confused".
- Sets got cut short, one comedian even bailed.

I could go on but I'm not trying to be offensive, I'm just trying to paint a picture.  There were a lot of obstacles to overcome.  I have even more respect for comics now seeing what can happen when the universe seems to be fighting you.

On the upside! We ripped the bandaid right off this thing.  Last night was atypical and we learned from it. Plus, we got some footage, we made new friends, we went to Scottish Hooter's (I'm gonna let TJ tell you all about that one in her next post, she will do it more justice than I can).  I truly believe that things are only gonna get better from here.  I think TJ could use a little more convincing so send her good vibrations today.

So what's next?  Our next shoot day will be later this week when TJ and I film a short video for our KICKSTARTER page.  If you haven't heard of Kickstarter, it is a fund raising website for creative projects.  Think of it as a virtual bake sale, but instead of pastries you get other cool shit for your donation (and maybe some pastries).  This should be up within the week so keep checking back!  I think I am more stressed out about being in front of the camera for this short video than I am about any other part of this process.  So wish me lots of luck!!

If you've made it all the way through this post, you deserve a prize. Comment on this post with the word "dedicated" and I'll make you cookies.  For real.

Until next week,


  1. Scottish + Hooters = Scooters!

  2. dedicted! WOO WOO!

  3. dedicated. chocolate chip, please.

  4. Super dedicated!! jW

  5. Amazing. Everyone is pulling for you both. Love the blog. You two seem to work well together. When can we expect to see the fundraising page? I'm ready to send money. Keep it up. Dedicated but I do not need any cookies

    1. Expect to see the fundraising page at the beginning of next week! Thanks so much for the support!

  6. DEDICATED!.. Peanut butter cookies pweease!!
    p.s:FUck the audience!!

  7. i am looking forward to some teaser clips?? bring a jar to class next time, and write tips on it. *dedicated*

  8. Can't wait to make it to a show.

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks! Please let us know who this is so we can get you some cookies!

  10. Awesome! Dedicated

  11. I am loving this adventure. Bridget, you will be great in front of the camera. If TJ says you are easy on the eyes then that means you are. We would love a recent picture too. You will do great. Can't wait to see the finished products of both the film and the fundraising page.

    1. Thank you so much! I will be sure to include a picture in my next post. Please leave us your name so we can get your some cookies!

  12. I would like to Dedicated for some white chocolate mocha cookies, thanks.

  13. Dedicated- Andrew Castiyooo

  14. I would just like to say that I just started reading your blog, and I had no idea how much you have to deal with. Keep up the inspiring work :) and I look foreward to reading the rest of these :))
