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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

5K victories, Glee Finale (No Spoilers) and The Great Gatsby

Good Morning readers!

Sorry for the delayed post.  I know TJ has been keeping you all updated and that you all know how busy this month has been.  And it's not slowing down anytime soon!  TJ still has a grip of shows, including one at The Brass Rail in San Diego May 31st @ 7:30 where she will be performing AND hosting.  We will also be there filming!  I still have to move (and more importantly...pack).  And June isn't going to be any slower.  But TinySuperstars is coming back strong!  Thanks to both TJ and Dustin for posting in my absence.

We have 8 DAYS left to raise money for the film.  We have already met/surpassed our goal, but we are still able to raise money until May 31 at 9:00 pm.  If you still have not donated and would like to..go here
-> Bridget and TJ's bitchin' movie fund! 
We promise to use every single dollar to make this movie the absolute best it can be!!  My new goal is to either hit $5000 or 100 backers.  Thank you to our new donors who have generously pledged money regardless of the fact that we have met our goal: Remy, Dawn, 림 효진, Tammy, Devona, Jose, Tanya, Shaun, Kyle, Melinda, Brian, Kelli, Brooke, Paola, and Logann! Man, that's a lot of names!  I want to send a special thank you Remy, who is not only a dear friend of mine but also the person who introduced me to Kickstarter.  Thanks Remy!!

I wanna answer someone's question from last week.
"Do you love Glee as much as TJ?" Steven
First, nobody loves Glee as much as TJ does.  She is seriously the biggest Gleek I have ever met.  I used to love Glee.  I love musicals, I love campy crap, and I love Jane Lynch.  However, I no longer love Glee.  I just watched the season finale and I can safely say that I will not be back to watch another season.  This news is going to both irritate and disappoint TJ...sorry Teej!  We can't agree on EVERYTHING (LOL!!!).

On that note... here is a list:
Things I Like That TJ Hates
1) Raisins
2) Dubstep
3) Fig Newtons
4) Snakes
5) Dane Cook
6) Kashi

Okay, so as some of you know I participated in my first 5k this weekend.  It was the ROC Race in Del Mar.  ROC stands for "Ridiculous Obstacle Challenge".  Think mud run meets the show "Wipeout".  Obstacles included "Gorilla Bars" (which are oversized monkey bars that stretch across a giant mud puddle, oh and people in gorilla suits try to knock you off), "Eye of the Tiger" (where you had to run uphill with an inner tube and then slide down the hill into a pool of muddy water) and a 100ft inflatable slide.  Needless to say, I had a blast!!!  My partner in crime for the day, Emily, almost broke her ankle and had to leave the race (she kept saying "It doesn't hurt that bad! I can finish!"...what a badass!)  I managed to finish the race unscathed.  However....when I got home I decided to take out the trash and somehow managed to fall in my own driveway and skin my knees.  Awesome...   I certainly wasn't the fastest or most athletic but hey, I FINISHED!  Here are some pictures from the day:

Crossing the Finish Line!

#3686 Baby!

Proud Finishers! (My little friend Lizzy and Me)

Now I'm training (yes, actually training) for the Color Run this November!

Here is what I am excited for today:

This is an adaptation of my favorite book by one of my favorite directors.  Plus the cast is dynamite AND the used "No Church in the Wild" by The Throne in the preview!  This trailer gave me chills.  Sometimes I think that being the person that makes theatrical trailers would be the coolest job ever.   Anyway, the movie doesn't come out until Christmas but I. CAN'T. WAIT!!

That's all I've got for today. Thanks for reading!


  1. Great post. I really enjoyed the pictures. Bridget, How did TJ react to your impending abandonment of Glee? That was pretty harsh. LOL You guys will definitely hit $5,000. TANYA

  2. Congrats on the funding and the run! You're one cool chick, Bridget!
    Gatsby looks off the chain. I love Leo!
