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Friday, May 11, 2012

80% there, update on my comedy, and one more thing

Hello fans and friends of tinysuperstars. Thanks for checking in. Quick shout out to Dustin for his almost awesome post. The snakes were a bit much. The photos did make me cry but I have since moved on. Here is a picture of Dustin's biggest fear:

You know what? I can't do it. We will just proceed to the next order of business. Since Dustin joined Tiny Superstars--it has become 2 against 1, so I will keep my teasing to a minimum for fear of horrible retaliation.

Special shout out to our latest donors: Sania, Lily, Christy, Brenda, Nicole, Jiselle, Erin and Summer, Kimberly, Beatriz and Bob, Ashley, and Thais. WOW!! Ok y'all. We are 80% there. Thank you all so much!! We have 20 more days to raise the other $835 so if you have yet to donate--I have one question--What are you waiting for? It would be AWESOME if you didn't wait til the last minute. Here is the link for those of you who still need it:

OK--here is what is going on with my comedy:

I have sent my video to the Ellen Show. Now I will just have to wait to see whether or not she'll have me on. I'm going to prepare for the worst but hope for the best--which is really all that I can do. Please continue writing to her AND send love and higher power shout outs my way.

The day after I announced that I would continue teaching for another semester I received an opportunity to tour with a very well known comic. Though I was very tempted to jump at the chance--I had to remind myself that I have about fifty million things to do before I am ready to tour. Needless to say, I turned it down. Right now my main focus is my IOWA show and performing as much as I possibly can.

Speaking of the IOWA show,  they have received all of my promo information so I'm guessing that the tickets will FINALLY go on sale next week. I promise to let everyone know the moment they go on sale. Don't worry! If you want to see my show--I will make sure that it happens.

The other night I experienced my very first hate rant from another comic. For whatever reason--a comic decided that she did not like me. That's ok, but here is what she did--instead of doing her normal set--she used her stage time to beat me down--and to discuss her disdain for the queer community. "They should all die--it's a choice--hope they all get AIDS"--etc. This was not a "bit." It was a rant--no comedy or irony whatsoever. I was a little shaken up but it's aiight. My guess is--she was jealous of how much the audience loved me so she decided to be a BEEP. You can fill in the word.

On a positive note--I have several other shows coming up:

May 22nd at The World Famous Comedy Store 8:00
May 24th Semi finals at The Sash Lounge in Norwalk 8:30
May 30th The Laugh Factory in Long Beach 8:30
May 31st The Brass Rail in San Diego 9:00

I also have a number of shows scheduled in June. I'll post those in a few weeks.

For a while now I've been wanting to incorporate music into my shows. Well--it's about to happen. 
I'm totally pumped to be working with Evan Papai. Seriously--this is big. My flows will now have some sweet beats and my parody songs will now have accompaniment. Watch for us on YOU TUBE and watch for our first CD to be out in time for Santa to bring you one. Skeet x 3. I did write a flow in B's honor and I promised to post it. That will be up before the end of the month. Pinky swear.

Not too much else is going on at the moment. B Naj has a full schedule this month including a 5K, a trip to Vegas, and moving--so I'm just on standby right now--She will be writing the next post so watch out for that. I know you've missed her.

Truth be told, I have had a rough couple of days. The end of the semester is always very bittersweet for me and I'm a little overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done before my big show and with the documentary. I'm looking forward to a relaxing yet productive weekend with Myriam.

Here is a pic from my last day with my Speech 5 class. FYI--it was an optional day:

See--that's why I gotta stay!!

I'll leave you today with a cool mash up video and 10 cartoon theme songs done in foreign languages! I LOVE MASHUPS and I LOVE CARTOON THEME SONGS!!

Best mashup ever

Cartoon theme songs in other languages/

I'll also follow Dustin's lead and tell you the first 10 songs on my IPOD. Mine isn't as "Hipster" but it's cool to me!

1. OG by WIZ and SNOOP
2. Sir Psycho Sexy Red Hot Chili Peppers
3. Ends in the Ocean by Avalanche City
4. White Trash Wedding by Dixie Chicks
5. Copacabana by Barry Manilow
6. The AIDS Gamble by Wendy HO
7. No one Mourns the Wicked by Kristen Chenoweth
8. Hysteria by DEF LEPPARD
9. No Scrubs TLC
10. Vote or Die (song from South Park)

That's all I have for today. Thanks for reading. We appreciate the support. B Naj will probably post on Monday if not before. 

Oh--one more thing:



  1. Cuz I hate you, I now have to go listen to 4 Artists: TLC, Def Lepard, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and South Park. :D Love You


    PS: For Every HATER there are 100 SUPPORTERS. So F THAT B!TCH

    1. Ahhhhh Hahahahaha! Right on, Blaine! I totally agree!

  2. Great post TJ. I'm dying to know who the comic is that you had to turn down. You guys are both so flippin busy it's crazy. Good luck in the 5K Bridget and don't forget to get a dollar from TJ for a g string in Vegas. She always sends a dollar to be put in a G String. It's good luck. LMFAO That's one thing I will always rememer about TJ. Can't wait til you come out to my area and do a show. It don't surprise me that everybody came on an optional day. You are hard to say goodbye to/ryan

  3. YOu have the most random playlist ever! And I totally expect that from you :) haha love you <3 you're filled with sprinkles and awesomenesssss!

  4. HAHAHAHA for a minute i actually thought you werent gonna put it on there!
