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Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Trifecta of Awesome

Today is a BIG BIG day. Here's why:

1) I am moving today.  

2) Kickstarter funding ends at 9:00 p.m.

3) TJ is performing in San Diego TONIGHT.  I will be there filming.

Here is what that means for YOU:

- If you live in or near San Diego and are 21+, come HERE tonight!  TJ is hosting AND performing!  Dustin and I will be there!  We will celebrate our Kickstarter success!

-If you haven't donated yet this is LITERALLY your last chance.  We have less than 12 hours to go!!  
We feel so fortunate to have not only met but SURPASSED our goal! Today is a good day.

As much as I would love to regale you with the details of my trip to Vegas (there will be pictures) and I am dying to write the first edition of "The Bartender Chronicles", I'm just a little busy today!  I think you can see why.  I hope to see some of you at the Brass Rail tonight!! It's gonna be funnnnnn!

Thank you all for your unending support!  We love ya.

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