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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Investment update, I need more time, B Najster, and 10 things

Hello blog followers. This is TJ again. I know that I just posted yesterday, but so much has happened that I just HAD to post again.

Quick shout out to our latest donors. Thank you Brenda Lee, Steven G, Steven M, Kimheng, Kevin, Danielle, and Mr Garth. (His name is actually Greg--but he was my 4th grade social studies teacher so I still call him Mr Garth) Our latest donors put us at 90% of our goal!! I am blown away by everyone's generosity. BLOWN AWAY! We only need $470 to hit our minimum  goal of $4000!!

A few people have asked if we are allowed to go over the $4000 mark. The answer to this question is YES! We are allowed to go over AND it would be awesome if we did. The film is going to cost B and I a minimum of $4000 to produce. Any extra monies will be used to make the movie even more amazing. In a perfect world--we will be able to bring more people to IOWA for the big show, get more t shirts made, purchase promo materials, have a bigger premiere, enter more film festivals, etc etc.....So--please continue to help with whatever you can. The more that you invest=the more that we can do. I do still want a banjolele too. Thank you ALL so very much for your support. Here is the link just in case you'd still like to help:


Ok--next order of business. In my last post I promised that B and I would have the evolution of dance video posted before the IOWA show. That was a mistake. There is no way that I am going to be able to learn that dance AND make a video of it before my big show. B is probably all ready to go--but I need to have a little bit more time. We are gonna shoot for the end of summer. It'll be something for you all to look forward to! Thanks for your patience. We are excited about doing all of these great things--it's just that we can only do so much at once. :)

Any peeps reading this blog who are still in school--best of luck on your final exams. Take everything day by day, remember that confidence is half the battle, be gentle with yourself, and the answer is usually C!! Love you all. You'll make it through--I promise.

The last order of business for today is a quick shout out to B. Life is tossing her a lot right now, and we have to give her all of the support that we can. We love the B Najster!! Send her love, support, higher power shout outs, good energy, and hugs. She will also be running her 5K on Saturday so cheer her on from afar!! She'll rock it. She will be back on here soon. I promise. You might have to deal with me for awhile--but hey--we will make it through.

That's all I have for today. I will leave you with two lists: a list of 10 things that I know NOTHING about. I mean NOTHING--like I couldn't answer a basic question about any of these things AND a list of things that I know an obnoxious amount about--like too much--it's weird!

I know nothing about:
1. Harry Potter
2. Physics
3. Comic Books
4. Golf
5. Ethiopian Food
6. Medieval History
7. The Jonas Brothers
8. Home improvement
9. Gardening
10. Beer

I know a RIDICULOUS amount about:
1. Cheese
2. Little House on the Prairie (It's true)
3. The Prison System (not because I've been there--I just read a lot about it)
4. Eminem
5. Carl Jung
6. Seventies Sitcoms
7. Soul Food (history, recipes, etc..)
8. White trash culture and class issues
9. Betty White
10. The Trumpet

I'm curious to see what B's list would look like. Hopefully she will follow suit and write one upon her return to the tinysuperstars blog. That's it for today. One of us will be back soon with more fascinating stuff.

One last thing--

Here's a song for Bridget:

Song for B



  1. Your lists make me happy, TJ!
    Answers usually C! Hahahahaha!
    Great post! I hope y'all exceed the 4G mark handsomely! And I'm certain you will!

  2. great post TJ. sending love to briget. you will do great in the 5k.

  3. I am so excited that you guys are so close to your kick starter goal. It is all very fun to watch. We love you Bridget ("B Najster" lol ) and are always sending good energy and hugs to you both. Keep up the good work. SJT

  4. great post. I like to see new posts on the weekends. The evolution of dance is hard to learn so it's probably good that TJ wants more time.Hang in there Bridget. We support you no matter what is happening. TJ, did you cause ANOTHER nevous breakdown? LOL Love u both. SAM

  5. TJ NEEDS THAT BANJO!! ANY EXTRA MONIES MUST GO TO A BANJO FOR TJ! IT HAS TO HAPPEN! Good luck to Bridget on the race and keep yo head up. Can't wait for IOWA

  6. Bridg and TJ, I love that you two totally have each other's backs ALL THE TIME! The support and love that you have for each other is incredible - what a great pair. :)

    1. Thanks. B's pretty easy to love and support. We all gotta watch out for one another. That's the only way to get thru life. I look forward to meeting you.
