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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I just had to stay cuz of my new haircut and look at my list of upcoming shows

Hey blogreaders. Thanks for checking in. All is well with this tiny superstar.

I'll start this post with a pic of my new haircut. I think it's awesome, and since this is partially my blog--I feel like it is my right to share it. Ready?

I know!! 

Ok well that's all I have for today.........just kidding!

Yesterday, Bridget made the announcement about me continuing to teach. I'd like to address some of the comments that we received about that, AND I'd like to tell you why I decided to stay. 

I always love the comments that all y'all leave. Sometimes they are weird, but that is part of the fun. For those who wrote about how excited they are that I am staying--thanks. That means a lot to me. For those of you who wrote that you aren't sure I made the right decision, that's aiight....time will tell. It was a difficult decision for me to make. 

Bridget is right, I have a lot of people watching this saga unfold and that has been amazing and difficult at the same time. The bottom line is that I do not want to let people down, but after forty years of experience, I know that is impossible. Someone is ALWAYS gonna be let down. All I can do is do my best. If people don't like it--that's not my problem.

Here is a list of reasons I decided to stay on for another semester:
1. I fricking love teaching
2. It's a guaranteed paycheck and I need to pay my bills. Paid comedy gigs are hard to find, so until I replace Ellen or make it big--I have to be responsible while chasing my dreams.
3. I fricking love teaching
4. I am good at what I do. I know that I have had a positive impact on a number of students. My students trust me and I'm not ready to walk away from that.
5. I fricking love teaching
6. My students inspire me. I genuinely love and respect each and every one of them. Every time I get an email or a call from a former student just to say hey--it rocks my world. I probably get between 10-15 a week and am always so happy to hear how well things are going or that something they learned in my class helped them in some way. I am so proud of their accomplishments and am honored that they would want to share them with me.
7. Teaching three or four classes is not going to negatively affect my comedy career. In fact, it may be best to do things this way. As long as I stay balanced, structure my time well, and work really hard--I'll be able to teach 3-4 classes and still do 15+ shows a month while maintaining a relationship with my wife and my close friends. I will not be able to travel as much as I had initially wanted, but that's ok. The ultimate goal is to become a full time PAID comedian, but until a job comes along that won't leave time for teaching--Imma stay and keep doin my thang!

I definitely would like to hear Bridget tell a few stories about being my student. Someone asked for that in a comment. I'm quite curious to see what she would have to say about that, and about what she has seen/heard from my current students while doing this project. I have always felt the relationships I have with my students were normal--she says they are not. What does that even mean?

So--there ya go. I've decided to keep teaching and do as much with my comedy career as I possibly can. 

Speaking of comedy career--here are a few shows that I have lined up:
Wednesday, May 9th 7:30 at The Old  World German Restaurant Euro Market 7561 Center Ave., Huntington Beach, CA 92647

May 22nd at The World Famous Comedy Store 8:00
May 24th Semi finals at The Sash Lounge in Norwalk 8:30
May 30th The Laugh Factory in Long Beach 8:30
May 31st The Brass Rail in San Diego 9:00
Will be busy writing for the next couple of weeks AND doing documentary stuff, but hit me up if you have a stage that you want me on. E'erone wants a piece of TJ

I'm really getting excited about how all of this is coming together. Frankly, I think B is a little overwhelmed because we have a lot going on in the next 6-8 weeks. She'll be aiight tho. It's a fun project and she's like me--she doesn't want to let anyone down. I'd just like to say that there is nothing she could possibly do to let us down. The film is going to be amazing simply because it was made by an amazing film maker. We just gotta keep it fun, remember that it is a learning adventure, and take it day by day. No one has more faith in you than me boo! 

The big interview that was going to happen is being pushed back a week or so. It'll be better to do it once the semester has finally ended so this is a good thing.

Ok--kickstarter. We are at 69% of out goal. B made a plea yesterday about donating. Thanks to our latest supporters: Kate, Kristen, Hayley, Alex, Sal and Alexa, Becky, Ariel, and Diana. We have $245 more to go until we reach our 75% mark. 

I do want to correct one thing that B said in yesterday's post. SHe said that no $$=No Iowa. While that is true for the film--that is not true for me. No matter what happens with the documentary, I will be in IOWA performing at Joker's Comedy Club on June 29th and June 30th. 

But back to kickstarter. B and I have already put so much time, effort, and money into this project so please--if you can help us with just a few bucks--you could really make a difference in our lives. If we reach our goal of $3000 I will do ten minutes of comedy and post it up here. We will also give a free tshirt or $5 Starbucks card to the next 10 donors. Please do not wait until the last minute. Here is the link:

Ok--that is all I have for today. I've had a long day. I even missed the Drake concert tonight which I had tickets and backstage passes for. I'll leave you with a list of 10 things I cannot stand:
1. Fig Newtons
2. Dubstep
3. Will Ferrell movies/standup/shows etc etc
4. Watching golf
5. Sun dried tomatoes
6. Dave Matthews Band
7. Bevis and Butthead
8. The word "lesbian"
9. Camping
10.When people tease me about snakes

Have a great night/day everyone and thanks for the love and support. TJ OUT!! 


  1. Your favorite student ever.May 9, 2012 at 1:12 AM

    I totally agree with reasons 1,3,4,5 for reasons to teach but OHMYGOD... whyyyyy don't you like Will fucking Ferrell?!!! He's hilarious! Please explain this in your next blog, there has to be a reason because he's just stinkin funny........ you damn lesbian LOL kidding :)

  2. Your new do looks awesome! Tres chic! You and Myriam are the sexiest, most stylish, smartest, most hilarious couple I know!
    It's such beautiful news that you're continuing to educate and seriously impact so many amazing people, TJ whilst pursuing another dream of tickling funny bones!
    Camping does suck!
    <3 you

  3. How fun would school be if all our teachers were also comedians?!?!

  4. Love what you do and do what you love.....if that means doing both comedy and teaching, so be it. Besides comedy is just another form of teaching. Everything is perspective. As far as not wanting to let anyone down, take care of you first. If you are doing what you love, it will show and you won't let anyone down.

    Love you and can't wait for you to be in Iowa.

    Lori Huberg Mulder

  5. Finally! Someone else who doesn't like dubstep! I seriously was starting to think I was the only one... It's so slooowww...
