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Thursday, May 3, 2012

TinySuperstar back up!!

Alright so my doctors orders were to take the week off (and by doctor I mean TJ), but I just can't stay away for too long. I have no particular reason for posting, so forgive me if I ramble a bit.

It's true, I was a tinysuperstar down for a couple days. Life's little stresses were just adding up. But I have some amazing friends/co workers who really helped lift my spirits on Tuesday (Thanks Lex, Sal, Guds, Dusty and Rah Rah!) and I woke up yesterday feeling much better. I really am very lucky in many ways, which makes me feel really guilty for complaining, but I'm human (contrary to popular belief). To all of you who sent me a nice message or good vibes, you're awesome! TJ's friends/family/fans are all so amazing. Most of you have never even met me and you have all made me feel like a friend of yours. You made me feel like know..clap if you believe in fairies?

I'm gonna take a second to talk about TJ (I like to shock her every once in a while). TJ has spent her career helping other people fulfill their dreams. She's helping me to do that any way she can right now. I have had SO many opportunities and experiences in just the last 2 months that I never would have had without her. For me, this project started as a portfolio piece for a grad school application. It has become way bigger than that. I could have never imagined the doors it has opened. Thank you for believing in me, Teej! I know so many of you have had the same experience, so now it's our turn to return the favor to her.

Alright anyone that knows me knows that mushy crap makes me really uncomfortable, so moving on...

On Monday I worked at an event here in San Diego for a new bar called barleymash (TJ provided you with a picture in her post). One of my best friends, Jess, is the executive pastry chef there (she's only 24, how cool is that?) Anyway, Cage the Elephant was performing at their opening event and the band needed someone to sell their merch. Jess called me with the opportunity and it was AWESOME. The food was delicious, the bar was beautiful and the band killed it.

This weekend is Cinco de Mayo. For those of you that do not know, I bartend in a Mexican restaurant. It will be hell. I wrote a haiku about it.

Cinco de Mayo
White people need an excuse
To get shit face drunk

Assuming I survive the weekend, we are shooting TJs BIG interview next week. I am as nervous (if not more) about this than TJ. I have to write the thing! TJ just has to answer the questions. She's totes glaring at me right now, I know it.

Lastly, I wanna introduce our new TinySuperstar, Dustin Santillan. I've mentioned him before, as he has been coordinating TJ's San Diego show at the Brass Rail. He is also on the panel for the talk show "They Said". In last week's episode he discussed TJ and the project. Check it out here (minutes 8-12...keep watching after the segment for some hilariously awkward talk about sex toys.) Dustin helped me film at The Improv last week and has since signed on to the project as assistant director (or assistant to the director... I haven't quite decided yet). In all seriousness though, he has some really great input and I am excited that he is joining the project full time. He will be guest blogging in the next week or two, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

Thanks again to everyone who helped cheer me up this week! Now that I have laid in bed, blogged and listened to the entire City and Colour's time for breakfast.

I'll leave you with one of my favorite City and Colour songs. I once told TJ that when I play my favorite songs for people it makes me REALLY nervous, because I feel like it's showing them part of my soul. This is one of those songs. Sleeping Sickness



  1. Mrs. Najour please stop watching after the 12 minute mark!

    1. that might just be the funniest comment i have ever seen.

  2. Hahah Dustin! ^

    Glad you're feeling better B :) We love you!!

  3. YAY Bridget. We are glad you are back. You are right about TJ, everyone needs to pitch in to say thanks for the difference she has made in this world. TJ is like Glee. I'm not signing my name because I think a lot of people would say the same thing.

  4. Glad you are feeling better Bridget. Does this mean TJ is gonna do her flow in your honor before next week? I hope so. I think it's hilarious that you hate being mushy and TJ loves being that way. TJ taught us about love languages in class. You guys must have totally different ones. That's good though because it seems like a good balance. TJ really deserved the shout out today. I think sometimes we forget to tell her how much we appreciate what she duz for us. Loved the song too. RW

  5. Great post. Welcome back B Naj. I love Cinco de Mayo. Glad your experience with the film has turned into more than you thouhght it would. I'm sure that happens a lot when TJ is involved. bri

  6. Welcome to tinysuperstars Dustin. What do I need to do to become a tinysuperstar? It sounds so exciting. Will there be other films and will TJ always be a part of tinysuperstars or just for this project?The thought of her not being a part of tinysuperstars upsets me a little bit. Anyways glad u r feeling better B. Love you TJ. JS

  7. u r like tinkerbell and tj is totally like peter pan. i really want to see that played out in a photoshoot. We would always clap for you btw. loved the post. kyle

  8. holla atcha both and to dustin. great post. b should be a little mushy more often. i bet tj cried, lol MD GB

  9. great post. I cannot wait for the movie. Will there be a red carpet? You both totaly deseve a red carpet. jbr

  10. Part of me wants to be a brat like you and not respond to this............the other part wants to let you know how proud of you I am and how amazing this post was. I'll go with the latter....♥ u B. Thanks for the love and for sharing part of your beautiful soul. Now bake me something with frosting!!

  11. Glad to hear you're doing better B. Love the hiku, yet so true. I still laugh of how some people think it's Mexican independence Day for Cinco de Mayo. Hope you kill it with tips.

  12. TJ made you leave your comfort zone!! Dont you love/hate it when she does that? Viva B Naj and TJ por vida. From, a fan

  13. glad everthing is going well and that briget is feeling back to her self. i love this blog. tj was my teacher like 4 years ago and i think she is the most inspirational person on the planet, She can make anything happen. ive seen it. I'm sad you are gonna stop teaching.everyone should take your class. you will be missed. sean

  14. Bridget, you're so sweet and your Haiku's hilarious!
    Hi Dustin!
