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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

10 things you might already know and the pain of being 40

Sup blog readers? Thanks for the love. B Naj brought down the house again with her last post. We've  hit 1,000 views which is super awesome. She seems shocked by the number of people checkin in on our project--I knew you'd all show up.

All is well with the film. TOMORROW we will be finishing up our Kickstarter page so expect to see that by Monday. Y'all---we are gonna have a video and everything on there so don't miss out.

Remember if you want to be interviewed for or be involved in the film please contact us at

Not too much else is going on yet. We have  lot of stuff coming up, but for now everything is pretty chill. I have finally found my balance again after my weekend without sleep. One of the things that I love most about this project is that Bridget is 24. Her enthusiasm and energy blow my mind. With that said, one of the things that I hate most about this project is that I am 40. Yes I am young at heart and I know that you are only as old as you feel and all that......but here is the deal......I am 40 and for those of you nodding your head in agreement---you know exactly what I am talking about. I have come to the sad realization that I cannot teach and do a show on the same day. It's all ok though. I am wiser and more determined than I ever have been AND as long as they still let me order from the kid's menu at Nordstroms.........I'm happy.

Bridget did do a great job of introducing herself but I'd like to give you a little more info. I guess I'd also like to give you some details about me since some of you have no idea who I am. Here are 10 things about each of us that you may or may not know.

1. My first job was a carney.
2. I believe I was Louis Armstrong in my past life or at the very least, a black man from the south
3. I read at least two books a week.
4. I am a GLEEK and very proud of that fact.
5. I still watch Sesame Street on a regular basis
6. I am a member of the ACLU and the NRA
7. I love all orange food--except for sweet potatoes
8. I am a certified Kosher chef but am not Jewish
9. I have a true adoration for anything banjo related
10. I used to be able to run a mile in 5min 10 sec

1. Loves Indie Rock and is going to Coachella
2. Favorite book is The Great Gatsby
3. Is terrified of spiders
4. Loves British Comedy
5. Has worked in a gay bar but is str8
6. Knows more about beer and music than anyone else I know
7. Orders milk in restaurants
8. Introduced me to MASHUPS
9. Is an amazing baker
10. Can't wait to try karaoke in Iowa.

On a side note--we both hate cilantro and Dave Matthews Band which is pretty cool.

Here are a few haikus for your enjoyment. Bridget will post tomorrow. Thanks again for the support. We seriously cannot do this without you. Reply to this post here, on twitter, or on fb and you will receive a personalized haiku from one of us AND a shout out in our blog. Come on now. TJ

tiny superstars
like sophia and rosie
only bigger

B Naj and TJ
one is gangsta; one hipster
both are so sexy

Filming at The Palms
was a messed up way to start
the production phase

mostly i just wish
this movie would turn into
a cartoon of me

Rolling eyes at me
does not make me change my ways
so effin stop it

B Naj thinks I'm great
well I do not want to brag
but she is quite right

<3 u B!

Thanks for reading everyone! TJ OUT!!


  1. WTF. These haikus are hilarious. BTW Bridget sounds pretty normal but TJ sounds insane.

  2. i luv u guys. more please more of everything


  4. kickstarter page will be good. however much u need u will get it. hell i am unemployed but am ready to help. keep it up. thanks for making us smile

  5. Grrrrrrrrrrrl, keep it UP!

  6. TEEJAY-----you have no idea how amazing you are do you? This film will create big things for you both and I could not be happier. You keep saying thanks for the love well we should all be thanking you. you change lives on a regular basis. i never would have made it through college without you as a personal and professional mentor. You are loved, respected, and we are all pulling for your success.

  7. they need to change the song to TJ run the world cuz thats whats bout to happen. hope you put funds for the banjo in the ks page cuz you totally deserve one. Im jealous that bridget gets to do this with you.

  8. TJ, you are hilarious and brilliant; dont change. More mix tapes, please.

    Bridget, I haven't met you yet, but I LOVE THE GREAT GATSBY. Yeaaaah!

    The Dave Matthews Band sucks. Thank you for saying that.

  9. TJ not only did you save my life by helping me come out to my family but you also helped me chase my own dreams. i owe you more then i could ever repay and am glad the universe is giving you back what you deserve. this will only bring good things to you.

  10. (first of all the post right above mine ^^^ freakin awesome!!)

    LOL!!! Okay this post had me laughing! Great way to end the night, hahahah! I loved the whole thing.. especially the part about you being part of the NRA..... really TJ?!! HAHAHAHA!!

  11. Bridget are you going to the first weekend or second? And who are you most excited to see?

    Can't wait for the April 24th show!

  12. I agree with the tshirt idea. Epic haiku 's

  13. I'm so lucky to know you, TJ!
