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Sunday, April 15, 2012

I'm having a blast and struggling at the same time......wanna hear about it?

Thanks for checking in. BTW, this is TJ. Shout out to Myriam for her awesome post yesterday. I've never been called a wind up toy before so that was pretty cool.

I'm sure that you've all noticed that one tinysuperstar has been MIA. Bridget (A.K.A B Naj or B) has been on a much needed vacation. She will be back on Wednesday, so if you have any questions for her to answer--feel free to put them in the comments. Until then, I will of course continue to offer you my amazing insight.

I know that everyone has to be very tired of hearing this but this time it's for real!! Our KICKSTARTER page will be up this week. Once it is up, y'all can begin supporting us on a whole new level--so get ready. I'm looking forward to that thing finally being up so we can start showing you what in the hell we have been talking about.

I want to take a quick minute just to say thanks to each and every one of you for your support. This process has been really fun and really difficult at the same time. Truth be told--right now I am exhausted in every sense of the word. When I say that, I mean that I am exhausted emotionally, physically, spiritually, and intellectually. I wish there was an 800 number I could call for a free pep talk or an IPhone app or something because I would go to it str8 away. I'm having a really great time though--so no need to worry. Just finding my way--e'er day! It's cool that I "stand out." That makes me a great subject for a film. On the flipside, "standing out" means not fitting in--so sometimes.......well, you can figure out the rest.

Here are some things that I have learned since starting this project:
1. For every hour of footage, there is like 10+ hours of editing
2. If one of us doesn't want to quit at least three times a week we are doing something wrong:)
3. Gas is fu**in expensive.
4. Balance! E'er day in e'er way.
5. B Naj's music recommendations are better than xanax. She speaks through music which I think is pretty cool. That's why y'all are gonna want the mix cd of the film.
6. There is a fine line between pressure and encouragement.
7. We have a lot of people who want to see us do well. Our support system is amazing. People love our blog!
8. I am a lot to handle. I've been told that by like 10 people this week. Time to take a step back and calm the f*** down.
9. Bridget does not keep an adequate safety space with the car in front of her when she drives:)
10. Silly putty is the best gift ever.
11. People need to be persuaded to be interviewed on camera. For some reason--that surprised the hell out of me.
12. Both B and I are great at writing haikus.

That's all I have for today. I have a very busy few weeks ahead of me including my show at The Improv on the 24th. Please email if you'd like to be interviewed at the show. If we don't get anyone to be interviewed--I will look like a total loser so please--do not be shy. There are 225 of y'all on the guest I hope at least a few of you will say a word or two.

Thanks for the love. Keep sending it. We cannot do this without you. Comments are awesome--they inspire us to keep writing!! I will leave you today with a short video of one of my new heroes. Please watch it. You'll be blown away.



  1. I love Tinysuperstars and Ghettopolitan! I've never followed a blog until these 2! They both supply me with nutrients and vitamins! They're both high in Hilariousness, loaded with depth and interesting insights, Jam packed with brilliance, and taste great!
    FDA (friends, descendants & all) Acclaimed!

    1. <3 U SO!!!!! Thanks Tosti. Special shout out for you tomorrow:)

  2. Awww! Give Gurba Baby a hug for me. Then have her give you one from me! Love you both more than Orange County loves silicone!

  3. great post TJ. It's prolly hard bein a comic always havin to be funny. Just want you to know how awesome you are. Keep ya head up. Taylor

  4. tj, u rock in every sense of the word and that is why u are exhausted. thanks for keeping it real

  5. those who stand out help people like me find a voice. Thank you for that TJ. I'm not gonna sign this because I know like a thousand different people would say the same thing.

  6. tinysuperstars forever! Glad Bridget is coming back. I miss the snarky banter. Love your posts though TJ. JonH

  7. LOL as a long time friend of Bridget (and a friend who went a long time without a drivers license), I can totally testify for the lack of "safety space" when she drives... Love her to death though!!!
