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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ice cream, new focus, what you can do, and sweet documentaries

Thanks for checking in. All is well with both tiny superstars. As you know, Bridget had an awesome time at Coachella, but I am glad she is back.

Today, B Naj and I got to reconnect over ice cream and waffle fries. After all, that is the lunch of champions. It was actually one of the best, most productive meetings we have ever had.
We have a little bit of a new focus now and I could not be more excited about it. B truly is brilliant and I know now more than ever that this is going to be an amazing film. #inspired! I don't even care if she spends the next ten blog entries talking about the rad bands at Coachella; her newest ah ha moment has earned her that right. I am grateful that she is back to showering, though, and I'm pretty sure she has increased her "safety space" while driving. Well done B.

Ok so, our kickstarter page is up and the response has been overwhelming. Special shout out to Cris, Mary, Tosti, Courtney and Jay, Stevie, Langley, Heather, Samantha, Julian, Jerry and Jody, and Katie. Our first 11 sponsors will receive some extra special gifts. PLEASE check out our video and help us with what you can. We have to raise $4,000 or sadly, we cannot do the project. Here is the link:

I did show this video to both of my classes today and B was thoroughly annoyed. She is not a fan of watching herself on screen and I think that is hilarious. They loved it. She hated it. It balanced out.

I know that for some of you, giving us money is not an option. That's ok. There are a bunch of other things you can do. For one, here is a link to the Ellen Show. Simply click on it and tell them about how awesome I am, tell them why I should be on the show, and why people should care about what I have done and am doing.

You can also send us an email to say hey, come to a show, offer higher power shout outs, donate stuff, help me find a gig, be interviewed for the film, etc etc etc. Email and tell us how you can help.

There are no new questions to answer so I guess I'll leave you today with a list of my favorite documentaries of all time. Since we are making a documentary--I thought it was the right thing to do. Hopefully Bridget will follow suit and we can see if there are any parallels. We are very similar in a lot of ways. We are also very different in other ways. It's fun.

1. For the Bible Tells Me So
2. Jesus Camp
3. Capturing the Freidmans
4. Dear Jack
5. Bill Cunningham New York
6. The Trials of Ted Haggard
7. The Farm: Life inside Angola State Prison

That's it for now. Thanks for reading. Please post our blog link AND our kickstarter link to your fb . That would be AMAZING!!!!! Thanks for the love. Right back atcha. TJ Out!!


  1. This is Dominiku speaking. Capturing the Friedmans was ranked 33rd on the Top 40 Films of '003.

  2. Great post TJ. You guys eat a lot of ice cream together. It's hilarious. You are both so tiny though. Whatever. Glad kickstarter is going well. I will do my best to contribute. jason a


  4. If ANYONE deserves to be on Ellen, it's TJ. NO DOUBT! Everybody better write to her. TJ changed my life and I want to help change hers even though she is already awesome. SP

  5. This blog inspires me everyday. Thanks, TM

  6. I think it's hilarious when you pick on Bridget. She prolly wants to punch you like every single day. Keep up the good work guys cuz it will be wurth it. ryan

  7. Dang! I've only seen one of those docs!

    What are waffle fries?

    I love the Kickstarter video! TJ, i can see that you and Bridget have an incredible friendship and I know this documentary is going to kick some mean ass!!!
