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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

And the winner is....

TJ!!!!!   That's right ya'll.  TJ won the OC City Stars competition at The Improv in Irvine last night.  And we got it on film!!  It was an amazing night.  In case you missed it, here is a brief recap:

- TJ brought in upwards of 250 people.  I saw almost her entire Speech 1 class sitting front row (holla!)
- After being told otherwise, we were granted permission to film last minute.  Literally one minute before show time.  I was already sitting in the audience with my fruity drink.  I didn't have my tripod so the footage is a little shaky (it's hard to hold the camera still while you're laughing!) Also, the waitress did not get the memo that we had permission and threw her hand over my lens in a very "Lindsey Lohan meets paparazzi" style moment.
- There were some VERY funny comics, it wasn't an easy competition but....
- TJ won!!!  

And it was a MUCH deserved win!  TJ rocked the house.

The night was a lot of fun but I think I speak on both of our behalf when I say...I'M EXHAUSTED!  In addition to our whimsical artist night lives, TJ and I both have our "day" jobs as a teacher and a bartender, respectively, which we both returned to this morning.  Worth it though!  I wish you all could have seen it!  I'm sure that TJ will have a much different perspective to share tomorrow!

Thanks so much to everyone who came out last night, especially those of you who agreed to be interview!  And thanks to everyone who has emailed, donated, commented, Facebooked or Tweeted.  It means so much to us.  If you haven't done so already...check out our KICKSTARTER here:  Be a homie and share it on Facebook with your friends!  Anything helps.

Friday I will be sharing a list of my guilty pleasures.  The new ad for Google Chrome is dangerously close to making the list.  I don't think I've ever been so moved by a commercial before (not in the Sarah McLachlan save a puppy type of way either).  I'm going to leave you with that today:  

B Naj


  1. it truly was a great show and TJ went rockstar/OG status and killed it. It was awesome seeing almost the whole class there. Totally cool that they let you film inside.

    1. Juan you are a Rockstar in every sense of the word! Thank you so much for everything!! We love ya!

  2. I have literally sat here for the last hour (when I should have been doing laundry, homework, being a functioning member of society ect) but instead made the better decision to read all of your posts! I cannot tell you how much I love this whole thing! I am so proud of you Bridget and I cannot wait to see the film! Love you!! <3

  3. TJ! CONGRATS! Wish I could have seen it. But I know you'll have many other totally righteous shows that I can attend! Keep kickin ass and taking names! <3
