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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bridget who?

When we first started this blog, I didn't really imagine that too many people would see it and I figured anyone who did already knew me.  I was wrong.  In fact a majority of you readers have NO idea who I am.  So I thought I would use this post to give ya'll a better idea of who "Bridget Najour" is.

I wanna start by answering a couple questions:
1) How do you know TJ?
TJ was my public speaking professor my freshman year of college in 2006.  I left CSULB after my freshman year to move home to San Diego but TJ and I kept in touch through the means of Facebook.

-After CSULB, I went to junior college for 2 years before transferring to UCSD. I graduated with a Comm degree in June.  Halfway through my junior year I realized I wanted to study film.  But after 4 years and 3 schools I decided to stick out with the whole communications thing.  Lucky for me I was able to emphasize in film studies and production through the program.

2) Why are you making a documentary about TJ?
Um, for one cause she's f*cking awesome.  But I don't have to tell any of you that.  The other reason is requires a little explanation.  After graduation I started looking for jobs in the film/television industry.  There is this weird crack between "intern" (where you have to be a student) and "entry level" (that you need 1-2 years of experience) that I fall into.  So I decided I'd probably have to go back to school.  Most aspiring film students are advised to make a documentary for their application.  As luck would have it, TJ had an idea for a documentary.

3a)What is the documentary about?
Quite simply it is about TJ's transition from professor to full time comedian, which will culminate at a headlining show in her hometown this June.  That really just scratches the surface of it, but I don't want to ruin the movie!  You're just going to have to see it.

3b) When will it be done?
Filming will wrap in July.  It's hard to say exactly how long post production will take (editing and all) but we hope to have a completely finished product by the end of the year.

4) Does TJ make you laugh?
All the time.  Literally, all of the time.  The kind of laughing that makes you think you might actually die because you can't get a breath in.

5) Are you single?
Yes, yes I am. (I'm not sure how this is relevant, but it was asked!)

A little random information about me:
I'm the youngest of 5 and the only girl.
My mom is from Kansas and my dad is full Lebanese..I'm where the mid-west meets the mid-east.
I love music more than anything in this world (anything non-living at least) and being in a band is a sincere dream of mine.
I'm 24.
I have an unhealthy addiction to Cadbury Mini Eggs.  Which poses a serious problem once Easter is over and the seasonal candy is gone.
I have an irrational fear of talking on the phone with strangers.
Baking is my greatest form of therapy.  Cleaning is second.
I am still stunned that people are reading my blog.

I realize this is a very brief and incomplete description of who I really am, but it's a start!  I consider myself an open book, so if you want to know, just ask!

And as promised...a photo.

Your new friend,


  1. If I were single I'd fill your Cadbury Egg ;)

  2. What is your favorite type of genre for film and/or movie?

    1. I am a sucker for a good independent film. I prefer clever editing over expensive special effects. For example, "(500) Days of Summer" sits high on my list. One of my favorite studio releases is "Across the Universe".

  3. This is one of the coolest things I ever read. Glad you are doing this project with tj and thanks for introducing yourself. What kind of band would you like to be in?

    1. Wow, that's a really great compliment! And also a really good question. I think if I could be in any band it would be some sort of indie folk or blues rock band.

  4. Bridget you are so fun. Glad TJ picked you to do this movie and that you two get along so well. I am sure you both laugh a lot. I know she thinks the world of you. Hope you enjoy Iowa. I will definitely make it to a show.

    1. Thank you! I am really glad she picked me too. I hope to meet you at one of TJ's shows!

  5. TJ was right--you are easy on the eyes. No worries. I am not a creeper. Great post, I love the way you two banter. You should challenge TJ to something though since she put you out there with the karaoke and shit. I hope someone films it and that your karaoke debut makes it into the extras of the film.

    1. Haha, well thank you for the non-creepy compliment! They're gonna have to get me at least a little drunk to do karaoke, and no doubt it will be on film. I'll be working on something good for TJ in return.

  6. Wy does TJ love banjoes so much? Do you know?

    1. That is a really good question! I truly have no idea where her fascination came from, but I know it stems back to childhood.

  7. Bridget,
    You a a great friend to me and a good mentor :)
    I wonder if you can figure out who this is
    love you!

    1. My girl Lex!!! Thanks so much! Love you too.

  8. You're one cool chick! I'm loving every minute of this stuff!
