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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Heathenism at it's finest.

I'd like to start with an email I got regarding yesterday's post, with the subject line "OMG":

"Well it is official I am going to hell.  I never told you Easter was about the rising of Christ from the dead! Sorry about that.  Oh well brunch and chocolate eggs are good too! Love, Mom"

First of all, in order to spare my mom from eternal damnation, I should clarify that I am ACTUALLY aware of what Easter is supposed to be celebrated for. I'm just an incredible smart ass. But I mean do rabbits and candy represent the resurrection of Jesus?  I think my confusion should be understandable! Secondly, I aspire to be as cool as my mom someday.  Love you Mom!! 

Now onto the Q&A section.

"What aspects of TJ's personality will you be showcasing?  Will you be looking at just her comedy or will you be looking at the elements of queerness or both? " Jason  

This is actually something that TJ and I have discussed at length.  TJ is incredibly diverse and has led such an interesting life!  If you were making a documentary about me, chances are you'd have to start at birth and go all the way to present day to fill an hour.  TJ could have a series of documentaries made about her, and you'd probably never run out of material.  It makes her a GREAT subject, but it makes my job as a director a little difficult.  We have had to narrow our scope to focus on TJ's pursuit of a comedy career.  That being said, TJ is a vibrant personality and her personality will shine through no matter what we're focussing on.  Her identity as a queer individual is especially important to her and as a filmmaker I will not let that pass under the radar.

"What song describes this project so far?" Juan
I'm going to go with "Head Full of Doubt/Road Full of Promise" by The Avett Brothers.  There is a line in there that says "Decide what to be and go be it."

"What words make you giggle?" Adriana
On a related note.. my favorite word is "archipelago".

"Do you think comics should be at Coachella? Why or why not?" Diamond
I have no objections to there being comedians at Coachella.  In fact, I think TJ should be featured next year!  Coachella is really a celebration of all things art, not just a concert.  Last year I saw the Lucent Dossier Experience, which is like a sadistic circus, and I loved it!  There are also art installations scattered throughout the site. Why shouldn't there be some comedy?  In fact, last summer Outside Lands in San Francisco had a performance by Gallagher (the comedian who smashes stuff with a giant mallet)!

Thank you to everyone who submitted a question! If you missed out today, there is always tomorrow.

B Naj


  1. Hello. I asked some questions yesterday but did not get a response. Perhaps I asked them too late in the day so I shall pose them again. Here is a repeat of my comments and questions from yesterday:I am a former student and I'd like to be interviewed for the film. Who do I talk to about that? My next question is about the shirts. Are you really getting shirts made because I think that would be a good idea? My last question is about the kickstarter page. When will that be up and how will we know where to find it? I really want to contribute so make sure to keep us posted. I bet this is a lot of work. One more question, Who would you say has the hardest part in the filmaking process? The subject or the film maker and why? Thanks for letting us ask questions. Brent. oh and by the way. I also like the group fun.

    1. Love the questions Brent! I'll be sure to address them all on tonight's post!

    2. Love the questions Brent! I'll be sure to address them all on tonight's post!

  2. This is Dominiku speaking. Eggs are the main dish served at The Last Supper, as per the Da Vinci painting. St. Peter was originally painted as a rabbit, but was forced to change it to a man, judging by laser imaging techniques. Candy is probably for the same commercialistic purpose as Valentine's Day, Halloween, and Christmas.

    1. Thanks Dominic! I have always wondered about these things!

    2. WHAT? Wait--what? I'm not sure what to do with this.

  3. Bridget, how is it working with TJ? I am one of her students and can only imagine how incredible that must be. Unfortunately, I am not in the class that you picked to do filming in. How did you choose the class and can I still somehow be involved in this? Thanks. Megan

    1. oh megan! I'll let Bridget take this one:)

    2. Hey Megan, I wanted to answer your question about picking the class to film directly. It honestly just came down to the fact that I am always off work on Mondays. You can still absolutely be involved. We will be doing student interviews on campus April 30 (I believe) and we will be doing generally interviews at the beginning of June. You are welcome to attend either!

  4. I think that TJ's life should be made into a musical where do we find out about stand up shows and what is the main goal of this process-film?

    1. A musical about my life would be awesome. Check my fb page and my blog for show stuff--B can talk about film goals:) WHo is this btw?

  5. A lot of holidays that 'we' celebrate were old pagan traditions that the church incorporated to make the assimilation of Christianity/Catholic religion. check this webpage out I am not trying to offend anyone nor want to start an arugement with people who are religions to clarify this before hand.
    Also never heard that song till this morning, and I enjoyed it, thanks for expanding my horizons to new stuff.

  6. What is so special about Iowa? Why is that the big show? Tj's from there I think. Also, is this like a full film or just like a short one? Does TJ have a fan page? I totally loved her as my teach. I hope you are getting all of her coolness because that's kind of a big deal. That's why the students will totally miss her. They are gonna totally miss her for real. She is like the best. Thanks for answering the questions. Lilly

    1. Hey Lilly. I'm glad u think I will be missed. I am from IOWA. So I'll be performing in front of family, former classmates, stuff like that. I'll let B Naj answer the rest of the stuff:)

  7. Were you and TJ friends before you did this project because you seem to have great chemistry, at least from what I've read in the blog and the pictures I've seen. If you were friends, how has this process been on the friendship and do you both think you will stay friends after its all done. Just curious because it seems like it would be a hard project to do with a friend. Nikki M

    1. Hey Nikki. Thanks for the love. B was my student several years back. We reconnected in Feb to talk about this project. Within 5 minutes--we knew it was a good fit. Working on any project with a friend is difficult and this is no exception. We have our ups and downs which is of course part of the process. We will def stay friends after the film is complete. getting through this will connect us for life. I wouldn't have it any other way. B will prob respond too:)

  8. What is the name of the film going to be?
