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Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Meaning of Easter

If I never hear another Rihanna song again, it'll be too soon.

Hope you all have had a good Easter!  Although, I'm not quite clear on what we are supposed to be celebrating..  My family always observed the holiday with brunch and chocolate eggs.  Oh, and they used to dress me in floral dresses, one time I even had lace gloves?  I think it's safe to say I never learned the "true" meaning of the holiday.  

How has every single American holiday become food based?  Halloween candy, Christmas dinner, Easter brunch.  I think this year I'll have a special feast on Arbor day to keep the tradition alive. 

I spent my Easter morning with TJ and our cinematographer, Scott.  We can officially say we finished shooting our Kickstarter video.  Are you guys sick of hearing us say that yet?  Well this time I mean it! 

Someone asked a really good question in a comment today.  It was "Where did 'tiny superstars' come from?"  Tiny superstars was a phrase that was thrown out early in one of the first meetings between me and TJ regarding this project.  I truly wish I could remember the context (maybe TJ can help me out?) but I know we pondered what exactly defined a "tiny superstar".  I'm not sure if there was an agreed upon answer, but whatever it was, it stuck.  

By the way I absolutely love answering your questions, so PLEASE keep 'em coming! As TJ mentioned in her last post, I am heading off to Coachella this weekend, so to make up for my missed time I will be taking over blogging duty for the beginning of the week.  Don't let me run out of material, otherwise you'll have to hear me ramble some more of my favorite bands or something (yeah, I'm looking at you Teej!!)

Truth be told, this bunny worshipping holiday has worn me out! 
Until tomorrow!


  1. if you host the arbor day dinner, i'll have the columbus day festival at my house. deal?

  2. At Coachella, could you please cut off a piece of Hope Sandoval's hair for me? I'd really appreciate the souvenir. Thanks.

    1. I will make it my personal mission to her down and get a lock.

  3. Um---B---you can always talk about your favorite bands on the documentary blog. It makes sense--NOT!! LOL. is the best band ever. No--it's all good. You just keep doin what you are doin. We all love your posts.

  4. Bridget, what aspects of TJ's personality will you be showcasing? She is very multidimensional which I am sure you know. Will you be looking at just her comedy or will you be looking at the elements of queerness or both? As a former student of TJs who identifies as queer and knows her story I'd think it would be hard to pick a focus. JASON D

  5. I'm do you not know what the Easter holiday celebrates? Herman

  6. Should there be comics at Coachella? If so, who and why?

  7. B what song sticks to mind to describe this project so far?

    1. My guess would be insane in the membrane OR big booty bitches but we will see what Bridget says

  8. For both TJ and Bridge, what words make you giggle?

  9. I am a former student and I'd like to be interviewed for the film. Who do I talk to about that? My next question is about the shirts. Are you really getting shirts made because I think that would be a good idea? My last question is about the kickstarter page. When will that be up and how will we know where to find it? I really want to contribute so make sure to keep us posted. I bet this is a lot of work. Who would you say has the hardest part in the filmaking process? The subject or the film maker and why? Thanks for letting us ask questions. Brent. oh and by the way. I also like the group fun.
